
You are welcome to experience the transformative power of angelic and quantum energy healing. Allow the light of the angelic and heavenly realms to guide you on a journey towards emotional, spiritual, and psychological liberation.

Your visit here is not by chance. It is a divine appointment waiting to unfold. Embrace the light within you and let it shine brightly in every moment of your existence.

I am an Angelic Quantum Healing Facilitator and an Intuitive Counselor. That is a ton of words and may seem like mumbo jumbo to you. So let me try to describe a bit more. I am self-healing facilitator who harnesses the transformative power of angelic healing energies to gently guide you towards unlocking your inner freedom and embracing the brightest version of yourself. I firmly believe that the key to all healing lies within oneself, and my role is simply to illuminate your path towards self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we will embark on a journey of healing and growth, as you reclaim your true essence and step into your divine light. Because I truly believe we are all healers, we all have our unique soul gifts that are just waiting to be fully expressed, and I am here to help you shine as bright as you possibly can through facilitating deep connection with yourself and your spirit within.

I provide a safe space to explore the deepest realms of your being and soul, and to navigate life as a being on this Earth having a human and spiritual experience. I help guide you to your most soul aligned path and help you connect with the love and healing space within you. I do this through holding a very safe and sacred space that is filled with love and the high frequencies, where you feel deeply held and through my channeling of the higher realms I am able to reflect to you your true spiritual essence and highest version of yourself.

I serve with utmost humility knowing it is not me (Arianna) doing the work or healing, I am just the one holding the high intention to be a vessel and portal for the highest and brightest service of others and for the will of the love and light that surrounds us all. I simply want to serve and bring the embodied experience of unconditional love to those around me and those I am blessed to serve.


On a personal note, I am simply a light and love worker that is called to deeply serve. I wear many hats, one being angelic quantum healing facilitator and Intuitive counselor. I wear many different other hats, some of those being a homeschooling mom, s-mom, wife/lover, grandmother (G-Ma), daughter, sister, priestess, student, learner, adventurer, traveler, human being, and galactic being. My journey, angels, and guides have brought me here to serve and to serve in a deeply devotional, heartfelt, and soulful way. I am so grateful to my family and the loving support I receive each and every day from all that surround me, which allows me to share this light and love.

I got to this point of really embracing my soul gifts through a very windy road, and a rocky road I am still riding along. I was a very intuitive, empathic, and sensitive child, and like many on Earth, I learned to really numb and ignore those gifts and powers. I, like many beings, went searching and searching in the “wrong” places for my soul path and real soul yearnings. In my late 20s, I started to finally heed the whispers of my soul. Unfortunately, some of those whispers, turned into screams from my soul bringing about big life events that helped me grow in ways I never thought possible. My soul was calling for big changes and so it made sure I heeded its guidance by bringing big things into my life for big change, really it felt like the Universe was banging me over the head sometimes and making me run into walls to get my attention and force me to listen to my soul guidance and spirits guidance. I am forever grateful for all the choices and experiences the Universe has brought my way because they have enriched my life, even those that were painful - they have been the greatest catalyst for my evolution.

Motherhood and bonus-motherhood was one of the biggest catalyst of listening to my soul, reconnecting with my intuition, and knowing myself on a deeper level. I started to remember my deepest soul desires and reconnect with my angels and higher self through my motherhood journey. It has been a true coming home. I can understand what it is like to deny your soul, to live off path, to ignore your gifts and to dim your light, and it is so very painful, and needless to say brings about health, emotional, physical and psychological ramifications, that I am all too familiar with. Having walked the journey of reconnecting with my gifts from the angelic realm and my soul, it made me devoted to help others to self-heal by utilizing loving angelic energy to heal and hear your soul guidance and your angelic spiritual guidance.

I serve with humility knowing it is not me but I am just a vessel asking to be used for the highest and brightest service of others and for the will of the love and light that surrounds us all. And I am human, constantly evolving, learning and transforming. My journey is ongoing and serving in this way is a part of my constant commitment to evolving, growing, learning, serving, and always elevating my frequency so that I can serve all those around me for the highest good of all concerned.


I have many certifications in coaching, conscious parenting coaching, Intuitive Arts, Healing Arts, Spiritual Psychology, Soul Care Coaching, Plant-Based Nutrition, detoxification, and Yoga. Over the past 15 years, I have been mentored by some of the most amazing mentors in the field of energy healing, intuitive arts, spiritual counseling, conscious intuitive parenting, some of these amazing teachers include Jessica Rachel, Dr. Cecily Miller, Jerry Sergeant, Dr. Shefali, Suzi Lula, Natalia Rose, and Janet Raftis.

While I could talk endlessly about my credentials and the incredible teachers who have guided me, the most important qualification I hold is the transformational healing journey I've embarked on myself. Through firsthand experience, I have lived and breathed the practices and healing techniques that I now share with others, making each session a deeply personal and authentic experience.

Feel the Angelic Healing Light Within