Embracing Angelic Healing

Allow the celestial light to guide your journey towards emotional, spiritual, and psychological liberation. Every step you take is illuminated by the divine.

Your unique essence shines brighter than a million stars in the darkest of nights. Embrace your story like the unfolding of angelic wings.


I offer a few different services. First and foremost, my deepest intention is to serve with the highest and heartfelt consciousness. With all offerings, I connect with the higher realms, in particular angelic realms, to bring about high frequency that brings about healing. No matter the session, you will be held in sacred space and surrounded by light.

What is Energy Healing?

Everything is energy. Your body is filled with energy, your thoughts, emotions, beliefs all consist of energy. Even the ring on your finger or crystal beside you has its own energy and energy field. Energy healing is a holistic practice that involves channeling healing energy to address imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit. It is based on the belief that all living beings have an energy field that can be influenced to promote healing and overall well-being. Practitioners of energy healing work to remove blockages, balance the energy centers (chakras), and promote a state of harmony within the individual. This gentle, non-invasive therapy can help reduce stress, alleviate pain, improve mental clarity, and support emotional healing. Through the use of various techniques such as quantum healing, and angelic healing, energy facilitators, such as myself, aim to restore balance, activate the body's natural healing abilities, and support you in your own self-healing process.

What is Angelic Healing?

Angelic Healing, in particular, is a divine and gentle form of energy healing that involves channeling the loving and powerful energy of the angelic realm. This healing modality focuses on clearing emotional, spiritual, and psychological blockages through utilizing the divine realms and guidance and infusing the space and being with light and love. When we are surrounded by high frequency, especially love, our energy field responds positively and reacts by transforming things of lower vibration like illness, blockages, emotional distress, and physical ailments into higher vibrational states. This process allows for healing and balance to flow through us effortlessly, restoring harmony within our being. The angelic realms provide the most pure loving energy that brings about transformation and inner peace and that is why I channel it in my sessions.

What is Quantum Healing?

I utilize both angelic and quantum healing in my sessions. I want to expand a bit more on what we mean when we say angelic quantum healing, and specifically what quantum really refers to. In scientific terms, Quantum healing incorporates the understanding of quantum physics. It involves tapping into the subtle energies of the universe to facilitate healing on a deeper level, beyond what is perceivable by the physical senses alone. That is what quantum or quantum physics is dealing with the energy fields, things not perceived by our physical senses. The quantum theory and concept is set on the premise that everything in the vast universe is intricately connected through the web of energy and vibrations that flow through every aspect of existence. Whether it be the quiet whispers of thoughts, the steadfast foundation of beliefs, the harmonious melodies of sounds, or the tangible presence of objects, each element resonates with its unique energy, subtly shaping and influencing the intricate tapestry of our physical world and bodies.

Quantum healing is a holistic approach to healing that incorporates these principles from quantum physics to address emotional, spiritual, and psychological imbalances within an individual's energy field. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and intentions can have a powerful impact on our physical and mental well-being. In the realm of Quantum healing, we believe that shifting our consciousness and energy, we can influence the body’s natural healing processes and promote overall health, wellness, and deeper connection. Within quantum healing we may use techniques such as intention setting, meditation visualization, energy transmutation, and mind-body practices to bring about state of balance and harmony on all levels.

What is Intuitive Counseling?

Intuitive counseling is a form of therapy that incorporates the use of intuition and spiritual guidance to help clients navigate through life's challenges. By tapping into my intuitive abilities, I am able to provide insights, guidance, and support to clients on their journey towards healing and personal growth. This approach allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, their life path, and the spirit guides around them, leading to profound transformations and sustainable change. Intuitive counseling sessions may involve a combination of traditional counseling techniques, energy healing, angelic guidance, and intuitive insights to support clients in achieving emotional balance, spiritual alignment, and overall well-being. Really I am helping you listen to your soul whispers, connect with your higher-self, and connect with your spirit team to assist you in finding the answers that are within you.

What is Soulful Transitions?

I see soulful transitions support really as spiritual and soul doula work. It is assisting souls that are either entering the earth or departing from the earth to do so with as much peace, love, and support as possible. Soulful transitions support is the guidance and assistance offered to individuals as they navigate significant changes or shifts in their lives, particularly those related to birth and earthly death. The support is for the soul transitioning and usually for the loved ones. This support offering involves providing a safe space for you to explore your deepest emotions, fears, and desires, while also offering tools and techniques to help you move through these transitions with grace and clarity.

This support in the soulful transition of birth helps call forward your soul baby, to invite your soul baby to enter earth gracefully, and most of all to support you in connecting with the soul baby that has chosen you to be their earthly parent and guide. I support and hold space for you to navigate gifts and shifts that are being called forward to prepare you for being the earthly parent to the beautiful soul coming into your life. Once we choose to be a parent and enter that life transition, the Universe brings forth gifts and so much for us to reflect upon to prepare for being a loving support that our soul baby needs. I assist in helping parents prepare for the soul-to-soul connection with their child. We connect with your baby to see what is being called forth for you and them even before they arrive, and what is in support of you all for your journey into parenthood and their journey to Earth.

As a soul is deciding to leave the body and transition, this spiritual support assists the human being in being at peace with the soul desire to exit and to peacefully navigate between the realms as the death is nearing. This support is for the departing soul and their loved ones, to help support with what to expect and how to hold space to bring in healing loving light as a soul makes their transition. This support can look like deep feeling, processing, integrating, expressing whatever is coming forward through this transition, and brining forward the spiritual aspects or gifts that may be being presented by the spirit transitioning. Often our loved ones in their transition are providing an opening for deep work for ourselves or particular spiritual experiences as they enter the other realm. I assist in opening the heart through the grief or even confusion, into seeing and experiencing a loved one’s parting gifts. This can look like spiritual journeys, visualization, healing light, and other work together.

Big transitions like births and deaths can make us feel very alone because so much is shifting and changing. It can feel like pieces of ourselves are missing or gone. This is where the angelic quantum energy that I channel comes into play. Angelic energy is always filling our session no matter what work we are doing, so the session is filled with a loving grace and peace. In almost all my sessions the angelic loving energy offers a healing to bring some peace and relief, and to also support those I work with in having a real experience of being held by the loving light and the angels that surround them. This can be very helpful in the grief of loss and in the joy or fear of bringing new life into the world.

Soulful transition support helps individuals to align with their true selves, release old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve them, and step into a new chapter of their lives through big transitions with confidence and empowerment. Through soul transitions support, individuals can deepen their connection to their inner wisdom, gain a greater understanding of their life's purpose, and ultimately experience transformation on a soul level.

What is Intuitive Parenting Support?

Parenthood is such a sacred and special role some of us are called to. I think it is one of the most noble and transformative roles we can choose to embrace in a lifetime. It is also a path that involves immense responsibility, faith, love, and support.

Right now on Earth, there is an awakening occurring. There are very special souls being called to come to Earth to help with this awakening and new more peaceful world arising. These new beings coming to Earth are very sensitive. And because they are wise, sensitive, and deeply feeling they request and even demand that their parents really hear, see, and understand them. They do this and wake up their parents to a new way of parenting, being in the world, engaging as parents, and really ask that their parents support their evolution, which tends to look different than the typical main stream cultural way of doing things or being.

Intuitive parenting support is the practice of tuning into your inner wisdom and instincts to guide you in raising your children. It involves trusting your intuition, being present with your child, and responding to their needs in a way that feels authentic and loving to both you and your child. This approach encourages parents to cultivate a deep connection with their children, understand their unique personalities, and tailor their parenting style to meet their child’s individual and particular needs and purpose. By embracing intuitive parenting support, parents can foster a strong bond with their children, promote healthy emotional development, and create a nurturing environment where their children can thrive.

I assist you in connecting with your intuition and your child’s soul to forge the path that is meant for the both of you on this beautiful journey.

What to Expect from Your Session?

Since my work is intuitive and always has your highest good at the forefront, each session may vary depending on what you bring forth to work on, heal, and elevate. My sessions are guided by your soul, higher self, spirit team, and angels. Each session is filled with loving light and is spacious allowing for whatever needs to come forward to come forward.

Every session starts with a short meditation/visualization to center, ground and connect us soul-to-soul and to the high vibrational energy that we channel, and to assist us in connecting with the light beings that are in support of you and even myself. Then we jump right into what is on your heart and the focus of what you want to work with in our session. And during that time your angels and guides may pop in with intuitive guidance and support, which I share with you as we move along your process. Depending on where the session goes we will end with Angelic energy healing. The healing is guided and instructed by your angels and soul for your highest good, so each healing is very different and profound. We will flow with whatever comes up, follow our soul and intuitive guidance at to what serves you and your spirit best in the moment for your highest good. All of this is with the intention for your empowerment, self-healing, and to leave you feeling more connected to yourself, angels, guides, loved ones, children, and/or soul babies. We are all unique and have innate soul gifts that we came here to remember and shine. No matter what type of work I am doing with you my deepest intention is to surround you with the highest frequency (unconditional love energy), leaving you more connected with yourself, knowing your divinity, feeling your soul essence, and feeling empowered to share your very special gifts with the world.

Angel Healing & Intuitive Counseling


Transformation through Intuitive Counseling and Angelic Healing

In the realm of intuitive counseling and angelic healing, true transformation takes place. Here, a safe and sacred space is created for individuals to explore and navigate through emotional, relational, energetic, and spiritual obstacles. These sessions are characterized by soul-to-soul dialogues, where the wisdom of spirit guides and angels is channeled to shed light on one's soul path and provide clarity on soul guidance. The journey culminates in profound quantum and angelic healing aimed at liberating individuals on all levels, freeing them from anything that hinders them from connecting with their soul, undergoing transformation, or fully embracing their highest vision.

These sessions leave you feeling free, divinely guided, held, deeply connected to yourself, and free to live your highest version of yourself.

Soulful Transitions


Soul Transitions with loving angelic support and healing

As an Angelic quantum energy healer, I specialize in supporting souls as they enter Earth or depart from Earth. Through channeling the light of the angelic and heavenly realms, I help guide and comfort these transitioning souls and their loved ones, facilitating a smooth and comforting experience for them during this profound journey. Embrace the loving support that surrounds you as you navigate these sacred moments of transformation.

I support families and souls coming and going using angelic energy, helping them move into life on Earth or pass on peacefully.

This service leaves you, your soul baby, and/or family members fully supported in the process of transitioning into or out of the physical body through the angelic quantum energy healing service provided.

Intuitive Parenting & Connection


Intuitive counseling for Intuitive parenting and soulful connection with our children

Experience the divine embrace that nurtures your inner being and your child’s inner being.

Through my channeling soul-to-soul and the angelic realms, I assist you in navigating the journey of parenting a sensitive and highly attuned soul child. Find solace and guidance in Intuitive Parenting support tailored to highly sensitive beings and babies. Embrace a nurturing approach that honors the unique gifts and sensitivities of your little one, paving the way for a harmonious and loving connection. Trust in the angelic realms to illuminate your path as a parent as you nurture and support your child's spiritual and human growth.

These sessions leave parents having a deeper understanding of their child and feeling more confident in their ability to support their child’s evolution and deepest soul desires.